Democratic spinmaster Joe Trippi has aligned himself with the vegan fascist prostitutes. How much tax exempt money is multi million dollar Best Friends Animal Society paying him for services rendered? Is he courting them to rally votes? Is he foolish enough to believe that Democratics only eat tofu and wear pleather? Does the "right" hand know what the "left" hand is doing?
I wonder if Trippi will benefit the animal rights agenda the way he helped Howard Dean. As Dr. Phil would say, "How's that working for ya" Joe?
And why does Trippi suddenly consider him an expert on "dangerous dogs"? Because he's speaking at the Best Friends "Dangerous Dogs Summit" in Lakewood CO later this month. He's going to provide "tools" for the dog Nazis to use grass roots action for the legislative agenda that targets our Constitutional rights.
How stupid do you think animal lovers are Joe? We love them enough to vote animal rights friendly politicians out of office, and cross party lines to do it.
How stupid do you think Democrats are? I'll bet they love their animals enough to keep them. Maybe we should ask all those Democrats running for office how they feel about becoming "guardians" instead of dog owners? Last time I checked, the Democrats I know all eat meat, wear leather and OWN animals!
Heads up Joe, we're smart enough to keep a watchfull eye on your every move...