Thursday, October 26, 2006


Every now and then, you uncover a real gem in cyberspace.

I felt like I had found the Hope Diamond when I ran across a blog, posted last year by a former member of the Process Church of the Final Judgement.

It's a timely discovery as THE REVOLUTION begins this weekend. Enjoy!

Best Friends and The Process
skepticaltheurgist on Mon 22 Aug 2005 09:49 AM EDT Permanent Link Cosmos
In March 2004, the Rocky Mountain News outed the people running Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah, as The Process in its latest incarnation. The Cone of Silence had been raised, and the Best Friends management felt the need to 'fess up.
A few days later, they added a section to its website, mostly written by Michael Mountain and giving their own version of the past. This is still (as of August 2005) available at
Reading it, I had a strange sense of deja vu, from around 1969. In that year, the Sunday Times in England picked up the story of how in the late 1940s L. Ron Hubbard, before starting Dianetics and Scientology, had been involved, magically and financially, with the rocket fuel scientist and noted Thelemite, Jack Parsons. The newspaper had learned how, after some ritual workings to create a magical Moonchild, Hubbard took off with Parsons' girlfriend, a boat they'd all invested in, and a bunch of cash. It was classic Fleet Street muckraking at its salacious best.
Scientology's response was a glorious farrago of a letter to the Sunday Times that began: "Hubbard broke up black magic in America..." Ron, it turned out (according to the Church of Scientology, and quoted in Russell Miller's Bare Faced Messiah) had been sent in by the U.S. government to smash up this dangerous ring of occultists with which Parsons was involved. Naturally, he succeeded magnificently. A stolen girlfriend? No, not at all. "Hubbard rescued a girl they were using."
In sum, the facts were all covered off. It was only the truth that was missing in action.
I recall Michael Mountain (Father Aaron as he was in the 1970s) as a charming man who was often irreverent, and fun to be around. The Best Friends account of the early days shows he still has the ability to charm, even if, as with the C of $ story about Hubbard, the truth and the facts have some distance between them.
It might be unfair to critique details almost 40 years after the events happened, but I feel otherwise. When someone publishes 8,000 words of well-spun baloney, a theurgically (and otherwise) skeptical person like myself can't resist teasing it a little.
The primary fiction is that The Process consisted of a bunch of 1960s counter-cultural seekers, consensually choosing a bohemian, back-to-nature lifestyle. No-one who left England for the Bahamas in 1966, then went on to the Yucatan and Xtul was arguing about it, but the cult-like nature of the group is carefully erased in Mountain's description. Does anyone recall the alliterative headlines in the British press about "The Mindbenders of Mayfair"? Only me, it seems. But then, back before I joined, I collected all this coverage religiously.
And while Robert De Grimston is airily dismissed as "the so-called 'Teacher' of The Process, who had written a number of books and was becoming well known in academic and theological circles," his wife Mary-Ann (see Mary-Ann's photo and Moon Unseen, from June 2005) remains "She Who Must Not Be Named". The Goddess of The Process, its core, is unmentioned in its own published history.
And so it goes on. What, us spread Robert's teachings all over Europe and North America? All of us wear the Cross and the Goat of Mendez on our chests or collars? Go out every day and sell those books by the "so-called Teacher"? Musta been some other guys, or some other so-called Teacher.
Even when I was in The Process (1970-72), the legend around Xtul, "The Place of Miracles" were being embroidered. An abandoned salt factory became a Mayan ruin, for example. Away from their civilised backgrounds, but living still in a soup of heightened consciousness, people had let their inner barriers drop and insights, synchronistic happenings and visions came in plenty. The primal presences or psychological realities called the Gods of The Process made themselves felt.
Beyond that blanket statement, or something like it, I doubt anyone today could give a fair account of the weeks and months spent at Xtul. The three ex-members whom I've interviewed all give varying stories.
Mountain's account adds a fresh spin. As the group came to Xtul, he says, they encountered an old man who "just smiled and said, 'Es para vosotros,' ('It is for you.') And he waved good-bye and continued on down the trail."
Neat - except, as anyone who's learned Spanish finds out, "vosotros" as a second-person plural form is today used nowhere in Latin America, only in Spain itself.
Later, the same man appeared, Mountain says, as The Process were all pulling out.
"'You are leaving,' he said. 'But one day there will be another place for you. It is a beach without an ocean. And the sand is all red. And there are animals. Muchos animales.' "For someone who had never seen red rock canyons and the pink sands that go with them, it was a fair enough description of Angel Canyon, the future home, 20 years later, of Best Friends Animal Society."
Not bad. I just can't find anyone who was at Xtul but left the group who remembers a thing about that 'prophecy'. Zip - or rather, nada.
Mountain's aim, it seems, and that of the other members who wrote this story, is to make it plain that everything before caring for animals was just prologue, or a youthful exuberance. There was, he notes, a Christian ministry phase of helping other people, as indeed there was - after a Christ-and-Satan phase of that, plus a neo-Jewish one, neither of which is mentioned. Animal welfare was the direction in which things were guided.
"The animals were beginning to take over! For many of us, they'd always really been our passion. And when a few of us got together one evening at the ranch to talk about what next and where next, we were all feeling that it was time to devote ourselves to that true passion."
I can't say this is wholly false. Brits (the remaining core group is mostly British) are famously dotty about dogs and animals generally, and She Who Must Not Be Named always had strong feelings about cruelty to animals. What decent human doesn't? But to claim animal welfare was the central concern in that first crazy decade spent as The Process? Or for The Foundation during much of the second? Back then, the End of the World and redemption therefrom overrode all other ideological messages, even if anti-vivisection was a cause we intermittently embraced.
As noted elsewhere on this blog, I had a remarkable experience out of it all, though the most austerely head-messing phase was over when I joined. I'm not the only ex-member with mixed but still fond memories of the community, the sense of inner calm and purpose, and the humour we brought to it all. It's impossible to tell today from the teachings available on-line, but The Process could be fun, and very funny. You needed to accept the premise of the joke - humanity's utter absurdity - but that done, a lot of things about life came to seem less tragic. Perhaps the absence of such candid detachment about the past is what saddens me here.
Best Friends, clearly, is a well-run operation, however much its location miles from any cities compromises its mission. It's an honest endeavour even if it does support the aging remnant of a failed cult. We all gotta live, and the BF operation pulls its own weight.
The roots of my own main beef date back to a visit four years ago, when I briefly reconnected with some of the people I'd known three decades before. What I found was that it was all just like Mountain's story would later turn out to be. The "P word" was not mentioned at all, and almost nobody would share any personal stories or opinions unless they involved saving or helping animals.
Had anyone learned anything spiritually? Well, everyone was much happier now than before. What did people feel it was all about, that wild Gnosticism, that fervent preaching about an End that never came? Well, it had been a long journey for everyone. What wisdom had they all learned? We need to be less cruel to animals. And so on.
I drove out of that beautiful Utah canyon frustrated at feeling stonewalled, with my conception of shallowness permanently redefined. I've not been back. Other ex-Processeans do visit and maintain friendships, but I couldn't be bothered to go again.
Do they, under their neo-Romulan cloaking device, yet have some kind of wisdom, the way we did, or felt we did, 30 years ago? They won't say in Angel Canyon. All who stayed surrendered their personal histories for a distorted collective one.
From Scientology, The Process borrowed the idea that all life consists of games, played as parts of larger collective games, and all ultimately part of a cosmic Game of the Gods. A personal game might be, I am always ill; or I will make $15-million in real-estate then find my kids hate me; or I will struggle for human rights. Regardless of the circumstances or activities involved, they're all about gaining knowledge; about experiencing all things that are possible to experience.
In visiting Kanab, after an hour, I could almost say "Yes, I remember you" in exactly the same, affect-less manner everyone I met used. I had three different people apologise to me spontaneously for what had been done to me in the past - all of them in a slightly beaten-dog tone, and using the same sequence of words. I'd gone in high anticipation, and without any grievance or hurt to air, but I came away with one.
It was all supposed to be about accepting our own reality in its fullness, and thus open to God. The modus operandi today has become a sweet, well-intended deception that seems to have lost what spiritual truth or honesty was once present. Best Friends is, any ex-member can see, not a rejection of the structure of The Process or The Foundation, but a continuation. The sadness I feel is that while the externals have changed, the core game is the same as it ever was: a bunch of people believing they are an Elect of some kind, grouped around an aging avatar, very aware of human motivations yet hopelesly blind about their own. Saving animals is the latest version of this, and a nice one, but at bottom, it's just another game.
The animals, I've heard it said, are a major comfort for the dozen or so remaining Processeans (most people at Kanab were never involved in the original group). Animals' natural dignity and unaffected joy are easily superior to the human animal's meaner nature. For someone who has spent 40 years tied to a cult, that must be reassuring. Personally, I'm grateful, regardless of whatever regrets and disappointments I've accumulated, that I can tell my own story, and don't have to follow a cultic party line nor distort my own memories to comply with one.
I wish the Kanabians were able to do that. Instead, they still feel compelled to diss their former associate, Robert, like Stalinists dumping on a Trostky, and to pretend that so many years of their earlier lives were a mere bohemian misadventure. It shows that, rather than seeing and accepting those years clearly, and truly moving on, they are endlessly perpetuating them.
Oh well. The dogs and cats, at least, clearly appreciate it. Give 'em that.

Monday, October 23, 2006


Musician Kinky Friedman for governor of Texas?


No that's not a political endorsement, but a quote from his website. So is this:

"...the last independent governor of Texas was Sam Houston. The next will be Kinky Friedman."

God bless Texas! Good 'ole independent Texas. Kinky Friedman promises "Independence from politics-as-usual." Given his campaign commercials, I'd say he delivers.

I did take time to read his position on the issues at:
and I like what he's got to say, especially his Ten reasons to elect...But I have to say that what caught my eye was the TV commercial with the dog called "Cowboy Way".

I'm guess I'm starting to feel Kinky, 'cause the rhetoric is as refreshing as a cold beer on a hot Texas day in a dry county, but to be perfectly had me at "pit bull"!

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Let’s do some basic math. Over 300,000,000 people in the United States + over 60 million dogs (including roughly eight million “pit bulls”) = only about 20 annual fatalities. And yet, we are going to be treated this week to a “Summit on Dangerous Dogs” sponsored by a “Kindness Revolution” backed with animal rights money and line up of presenters that includes a former presidential campaign manager, a breed ban promoting Dog Warden, a police officer/investigative reporter, an attorney, a lobbyist, and – if she’s not in jail - an alleged dog thief! I don’t see a single board certified dog behaviorist on the panel. Something in this equation just doesn’t add up.

For some strange reason, when I think of a revolution, I hear the marching of jack-booted Storm Troopers high stepping all over my civil rights. I don’t care how beautifully you wrap the package, there’s nothing kind about that.

The Best Friends Animal Society, a multi million dollar non profit with a scary past and a questionable future has apparently decided to enter the political arena.

“Who are these Christians anyway? Throw them to the lions!”

Those in the know are already sharpening their fangs.

Briefly summarized, Best Friends has published in their Sept./Oct. 2006 magazine that:

1) Because of breeding, some dogs “have a higher percentage of bad than do most breeds.
2) Dog “attacks are by no means all from pit bulls, but by dogs of many breeds who by now have been inbred with aggressive tendencies.
3) “Beloved pets” will “suddenly and inexplicably turn on their people”.
4) The root cause of dangerous dogs is that “certain people are deliberately breeding aggressive tendencies into dogs”.
5) “the rest of us…are victims

Wow! I haven’t heard propaganda like that since the Holocaust!!!

Don’t worry…Best Friends has a “three-point plan”. It includes:

1) Acknowledging “that there are dangerous breeds, and that aggressive tendencies have now been bred into their genes”.
2) “legislation making it illegal to breed aggression into dogs”
3) Going “after the people who are breeding aggressive dogs, rather than simply the dogs themselves”.

“This summit seeks to build momentum for a national protect innocent dogs from people” and their modeling their solution on their own interpretation of excerpts from breeding restriction laws enacted by THE GERMAN ANIMAL WELFARE ACT of 1998, and THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF PET ANIMALS IN STRAUSSBORG GERMANY of 1987.

Zig heil!

THE REVOLUTION is upon us.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Congratulations to a real "Hero"

Voting is closed and yesterdays Animal Planet poll numbers indicate that Mona Rutger has won their "Hero of the Year" ward - by a landslide. Even better, she easily defeated the AR aligned (and maligned) anti-tether/anti-penn/pro-trespassing alleged dog thief!!!

"The winner will receive a $10,000 donation made to the animal welfare organization of the winner's choice and a 7-day/6-night trip for 2 to Hawaii!". Enjoy it Mona. You deserve it!

It seems the anti-tether minions are not taking the loss well. I hope they didn't have any plans to use that money for liberating more dogs from their legal owners. Too bad. So sad. I Guess Dog Owners Deserve Better, after all...

Meet Mona Rutger
Nominated by Dorothy Flounders.
Mona Rutger, together with her husband Bill, has owned and operated a volunteer wildlife rehabilitation and nature education center, Back to the Wild, for 15 years in Castalia, Ohio. The center rescues over 2,000 injured or abandoned wild animals each year, and is able to return over 60 percent of them back into the wild. A nonprofit with no funding, the center relies on contributions by individuals and organizations to cover the cost of caring for the constant influx of "wildings." Mona consistently puts in long hours, especially while tending to the many baby birds and animals that require constant care. She says, "It's very demanding, but it's my passion." Her other passion is teaching future generations the great need to preserve and protect our natural world. She presents educational programs to over 50,000 students and members of youth groups and adult organizations each year, traveling all around the state as well as conducting programs and tours at the center several times a week. Fifteen Eagle Scout projects have been completed at the center by local youth. Three of Mona's young assistants have been inspired to attend veterinary school because of their work at Back to the Wild. Two are practicing veterinarians and the third will graduate soon. At least one other young volunteer has stated that she also plans to become a veterinarian. Mona takes part in volunteer studies with veterinarians on such diseases as West Nile virus and avian flu, and they are using the data gathered in national and international research.

Monday, October 09, 2006

A gun-toting, red-meat-eating, dog-loving Democrat

"It's a good time to be a gun-toting, red-meat-eating, dog-loving Democrat."
Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer

Glad to hear it Brian! Because it seems to be a bad time to be an AR lovin', scandal plagued Republican. Just ask Rick Santorum. And will the Governator be feelin' the heat from the Kalifornia sunburn?

This is a non partisan, equal opportunity, idiot bashing forum. So I have to ask...where do the Libertarian and Independent candidates currently stand? Not with Bill Maher, I hope.

From Webster's Dictionary:
mod'erate: a. not going to extremes, not excessive. medium.
n. person of moderate views
v.t. and i. make or become less violent or excessive

So when did "moderate" become a political insult? It seems like a good thing to me.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

What's the trip with Trippi?

Democratic spinmaster Joe Trippi has aligned himself with the vegan fascist prostitutes. How much tax exempt money is multi million dollar Best Friends Animal Society paying him for services rendered? Is he courting them to rally votes? Is he foolish enough to believe that Democratics only eat tofu and wear pleather? Does the "right" hand know what the "left" hand is doing?

I wonder if Trippi will benefit the animal rights agenda the way he helped Howard Dean. As Dr. Phil would say, "How's that working for ya" Joe?

And why does Trippi suddenly consider him an expert on "dangerous dogs"? Because he's speaking at the Best Friends "Dangerous Dogs Summit" in Lakewood CO later this month. He's going to provide "tools" for the dog Nazis to use grass roots action for the legislative agenda that targets our Constitutional rights.

How stupid do you think animal lovers are Joe? We love them enough to vote animal rights friendly politicians out of office, and cross party lines to do it.

How stupid do you think Democrats are? I'll bet they love their animals enough to keep them. Maybe we should ask all those Democrats running for office how they feel about becoming "guardians" instead of dog owners? Last time I checked, the Democrats I know all eat meat, wear leather and OWN animals!

Heads up Joe, we're smart enough to keep a watchfull eye on your every move...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Welcome canine freedom fighters!

Welcome vegan fascist haters!

Welcome to One Nation Under Dog.

Got a hot lead that needs to be followed up on? This is the place to drop a line. I will put the verified tips in the right hands. I believe that public information should be made VERY public. All the dirt that's fit to dish.

No censoring. I promise. Everyone has the Constitutional right to make an ass of themselves. And the right to animals as property, the right to commerce with same, the right to due process, the freedom from warrantless search and seizure...

My agenda? The truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the ugly truth, so help me DOG!