Monday, October 09, 2006

A gun-toting, red-meat-eating, dog-loving Democrat

"It's a good time to be a gun-toting, red-meat-eating, dog-loving Democrat."
Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer

Glad to hear it Brian! Because it seems to be a bad time to be an AR lovin', scandal plagued Republican. Just ask Rick Santorum. And will the Governator be feelin' the heat from the Kalifornia sunburn?

This is a non partisan, equal opportunity, idiot bashing forum. So I have to ask...where do the Libertarian and Independent candidates currently stand? Not with Bill Maher, I hope.

From Webster's Dictionary:
mod'erate: a. not going to extremes, not excessive. medium.
n. person of moderate views
v.t. and i. make or become less violent or excessive

So when did "moderate" become a political insult? It seems like a good thing to me.