Thursday, May 10, 2007

H$U$, "Inhumane Wayne"

Steven Best with HSUS president Wayne Pacelle (Best is the co-editor of Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? Reflections on the Liberation of Animals, which sings the sings the praises of “direct action” violence and the Animal Liberation Front)

Oooh, oooh! The Animal Liberation Front calls him a saint! (ALF - Those fun folks who like to blow things up...)

Want to make the connection between Wayne Pacelle And domestic terrorism a little more clear? Just put "Wayne Pacelle and Steven Best" into you search engine and see what happens...

When asked if he envisioned a future without pets: "If I had my personal view, perhaps that might take hold. In fact, I don't want to see another dog or cat born." Wayne Pacelle quoted in Bloodties: Nature, Culture and the Hunt by Ted Kerasote, 1993, p. 266.

"I don't have a hands-on fondness for animals...To this day I don't feel bonded to any non-human animal. I like them and I pet them and I'm kind to them, but there's no special bond between me and other animals." quoted in Bloodties: Nature, Culture and the Hunt by Ted Kerasote, 1993, p. 251.

OK folks, just in case some of you still think that Wayne and his cohorts at the Humane Society of the United States are a warm fuzzy bunch of animal lovers and that it's just a coincidence that the leaders are vegan fascists, then take a cue from our own leaders. Wayne was outed by virtually everyone at this weeks US Agriculture sub committe hearing. All that smoke and mirrors from their new public relation firm (the same one that represents ethnic media icons including Judge Joe Brown...) is becoming transparent. Caught in a web of his own lies, Pacelle was spanked hard and sent to bed without his tofu.
" Pacelle suggested his group could simply go around the House Ag Committee to advance its agenda if necessary"

Since this continuing credibily issue might make it difficult for H$U$, PeTA, Best Friends and their brothers in arms to pass extremist backed legislation at the federal level, the radicals have published a new "how to manual" for eroding our freedoms at the lower levers of government. This H$U$ funded book reaffirms the loveless, meatless, petless apcalyptic goals outlined in the updated H$U$ official policy statement (approved October22, 2005). Clearly stated in this manuals introduction:

"Imagine winning local ordinances that: require shelters that provide true comfort for animals of all domesticated species when kept outdoors and regulate the time and conditions in which they may be outdoors; restrict or ban dog tethering or penning; restrict or ban breeding, while providing public funds for spaying and neutering; require truly humane animal control policies and sheltering, including policies that focus strongly on cats’ needs; ban pet stores from selling animals, the use of animals in circuses, rodeos, dog and horse racing, and the hunting and trapping of wildlife; ban the sale and production of veal and foie gras and other atrocities of factory farming; and restrict laboratory testing on animals, moving toward its elimination. Imagine achieving these changes in your locality. In nearly all parts of the United States, town, city, and county lawmakers can legislate directly on all these issues (it’s true!) In other communities (in states that restrict local governments from banning recreational killing, for example), lawmakers can achieve the same results through highly restrictive regulations and other ordinances. Lawmakers will do all this, if you embrace and act on the lessons this MANUAL provides. "

Wow! If we end commercial farming, AND hunting, you can kiss your burger goodbye. Regulate "the time and conditions" when "all domestic species" can be outdoors? Ban pet stores from selling goldfish? Eliminating all biomedical research with animals even though it has resulted in vaccines, treatment, and cures for diseases that cause grievous human suffering.

Repeat after me:
Any questions?