Thursday, October 04, 2007


(Disclaimer, this is part real news and part creative writing, much like most mainstream media reports about Vick, dog fighting, pit bulls, etc. It is not to be taken seriously. Everybody knows that Vick was railroaded, PeTA fronts for terrorists, and the Bible says God likes His animals sacrificed! After all, not even Michael Vick could smoke enought pot to hold the hand that goes with this face...)

Michael Vick recently accepted an invitation from PETA and attended an eight-hour course on animal cruelty at the group's Virginia headquarters, according to the animal-rights group......At least, that is what it was supposed to be."When we met, i was prepared to dislike him since he is everything against which I stand...but something about him, an essential kindness, and the scent of his aftershave lotion, cut right through my defenses..." Said Ingrid, blushing faintly and smoothing her hair.Says Vick, "The last thing I needed now was some animal rights woman PREACHING to me, like I am not already up to my neck in preaching. And she is nothing to look at, but the moment our eyes met, I could see there was SOMETHING about her which spoke directly into a corner of my soul, before which I had no idea even existed!' He added, "it was like a visitation from the Holy Ghost, roomie!"PETA assistant director Dan Shannon said when Vick completed the course, he was given material to take home and study. Shannon said Vick returned to the offices on a later day to take a test on the things he'd learned, which he passed. Though PETA officials are still pressing for jail time for Vick, Shannon did say everyone was impressed with the seriousness with which Vick approached his classes.They were also impressed to see the couple holding hands and exchanging intimate glances."He seemed nervous at first," Shannon said, "but he seemed really interested."Says Vick, "Yeah, that pretty much sums up the way it was between me and Ingrid when we first met..."Vick's attorneys were not immediately available to comment on PETA's account of Vick's attending the class. The NFL also did not immediately return a call for comment.However, unnamed sources have reported a request by the NFL players for Ingrid's phone number, to which Vick merely shrugs, and says, if they get it, it will not be from him.And that he will be opening a serious can of WHUPASS if it is leaked.Vick, the disgraced Atlanta Falcons quarterback, faces up to five years in prison and awaits sentencing after pleading guilty in a federal dogfighting case. He is scheduled to be sentenced Dec. 10. He recently was ordered confined to his Virginia home after testing positive for marijuana -- a violation of the conditions of his release while awaiting sentencing. The urine sample was submitted Sept. 13, according to federal court records."What can I say? If I were wealthy, I would be drinking single malt scotch. All I had was some left over doobies and a case of the nerves like you would not believe, I mean, would you take a PILL to feel better? I did not have any pills."Vick also has been indicted on state charges of beating or killing or causing dogs to fight other dogs and engaging in or promoting dogfighting. Each felony is punishable by up to five years in prison. His arraignment on those charges is set for Oct. 3.Says Vick, "I would like to see the stud muffin who could face down THIS without a doobie or SOMETHING!" Vick's attorneys were quit to squelch this, and said it was a misunderstanding and his client spoke out in haste.Vick's representatives were first approached by PETA president Ingrid Newkirk. After an initial exploratory meeting involving Vick, Newkirk and Shannon, the quarterback agreed to attend a class, which he did on Sept. 18, PETA said."It was the happiest moment in my life, it almost made all this other stuff with the law, seem worth it, because when you are united with your other self, the soul which completes you, NOTHING is to high a price to pay!" said Vick, visibly moved and barely able to contain tears.According to PETA, Vick's day was specifically planned for him, and it focused on animal protection and empathy. First, he was given an overview of animal protection, then a session that laid out the scientific evidence for animals' ability to feel happiness, sadness and pain.Vick agrees with this statement, and reveals his perfect white teeth in a grin."I'm not touching that one with a ten foot pole, if you get my drift!" he says, laughing on camera for the first time since the beginning of the ordeal.In the initial meeting, PETA said Vick had mentioned wanting to speak to school children, so he was shown the program they normally do at schools. He saw police training tapes that describe links between violence toward animals and violence toward humans. An entire session was based on Christian teachings about the treatment of animals."And if I have strayed from my Christian roots, I will return to them, for HE forgives all who repent in sincerity" said Vick, whose normal bling was reduced to a large but tasteful crucifix."He seemed to get the most out of that," Shannon said. "He was blown away by how much the Bible had to say about animals."When asked for comment, Vick doubled over with laughter, and was ushered out of the room by his attorneys and others, with Ingrid clutching his arm.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The latest "Vick-tim" of the AR cash cow

Convicted criminal, Animal Liberation Front terrorist, and H$U$ mouthpeice John "J.P." Goodwin and his boss Wayne Pacelle are wasting no time in exploiting the media circus surrounding the wild allegations levied against Atlanta Falcon's quarterback Michael Vick in a federal indictment filed on July 18th.

The ASPCA, those promoters of ending ownership rights are engaged in meetings with the NFL.

PeTA is picketing outside the meetings.

Even moderate and respectable welfare groups like the National Animal Interest Alliance and AKC breed clubs such as the Doberman Pinscher Club of America are issuing press releases supporting the throw the book at Vick movement.

Shockingly, no one is asking about the status, welfare or eventual disposition of the 58 innocent dogs seized from the property! SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!! I guess that the press photos circulating after the seizure which showed them to be in overall good condition must have lulled all the "welfare" advocates into complacency.

The only mention of the dogs was in a possibly fraudulent fundraising plea from H$U$, which has subsequently been taken down. In it, H$U$ claimed to be personally caring for Vicks dogs but we know the H$U$ doesn't really do that sort of thing. The updated solicitation has a tiny disclaimer they hope nobody will read which now says your donation may be used for other HSUS programs and may not be used to help the dog fight victims...

The biggest problem here is that Michael Vick and his associates WERE NOT INDICTED FOR DOGFIGHTING!!! Yes folks, that's right...they were actually indicted on CONSPIRACY.

Ok, this is important so let me repeat; THEY WERE NOT INDICTED FOR DOGFIGHTING!!! If they had had any evidence that Vick was personally engaged in dogfighting it would have been a state felony, but he was not charged at the local level. This is basically a high profile test case for the new federal law. And President Bush just loves to sign conspiracy laws that push the envelope.

Aside from the fact that the feds could endict a grilled cheese sandwich if they so chose, and that the feds were responsible for such fiascos as Waco, Ruby Ridge etc. , let's take an honest look at the 18 page indictment.

The indictment can be split into two sections: allegations made by 4 "cooperating witness" receiving possible immunity from prosecution on drug charges, and evidence. "CW"s allegations include in every instance: places unknown, persons unknown, dates unknown, etc. Apparently they did know names of some dogs though...

This alleged evidence is as follows:
Bought property
named a kennel
put kennel name on shirts and headbands
purchased dogs
owned dogs (some with scars that may or may not have occurred while in the custody of Bad News Kennels)
built a fence
owned a shed
sunk axels with chains to properly secure the dogs
had on site caretaker
had exercise equipment and a breaking stick (used to STOP dogs from fighting)

The indictment also alleges that at an unknown time during 21 days (?) prior to the seizure, 8 dogs were "executed" on the property but makes no mention whatsoever about recovering any bodies from the property. Also, "wetting down" the dog (as alleged) is NOT how animals are electrocuted (ask a furrier) and would pose substantial risk to any idiot stupid enough to try it. And why, in 2007 would anyone resort to such varied, gruesome and outrageous means (as alleged) when the same indictment alleges that a pistol was used on previous occasions as far back as 2002 ?(and NOT by Mike Vick, I should add)

Also, dogfighting activities DID NOT go back to 2001 as has been stated by sources too numerous to mention, the feds just chose the purchase date of the property as an alleged starting point.

This indictment raises more questions than it answers for any thinking person. If Vick is convicted on "conspiracy", based on this "evidence" alone, than every legitimate breeder of American Pit Bull Terriers will likely be raided by HSUS/ASPCA in the months and years to follow. The ARs are just salivating at the thought. PeTa is probably loading extra srynges of euthanol at this very moment. After all, they all supported the Federal law in question because actual state felony laws were not imprisoning enough bona fide dogfighters to warrant their constant and unrelenting pleas for more donations.

Whether or not Vick had knowledge of, or involvement in what his relative was engaged in (drugs) or allegedly engaged in after the drug raid (dog fighting) is for a jury to decide. Unfortunately, because of the spin by H$U$ and their cohorts, and the regurgitation of inaccuracies surrounding the case, it is unlikely that he will get a fair trail. Now I certainly do not condone the allegations made against Mr. Vick by the fed's "cooperating witness" quartet, and if found guilty by a jury of his peers (if they can find any living under a rock somewhere that do not read or watch the news...) beyond a reasonable doubt,then he should be suspended, have his endorsements cancelled, and serve his sentence. Until such time, I prefer to focus on maligning CONVICTED criminals like H$U$ frontman John Goodwin and his ALF buddies.

If there is any dogfighting conspiracy here, my money is on H$U$. A while back they realized that the once dying sport of dogfighting could be a huge cash cow so H$U$ virtually revived it singlehandedly! Using carefully crafted rhetoric, and propaganda videos such as "Off the Chain", the H$U$ has all but written a thugs guide to American Pit Bull Terrier abuse, and marketed it as hip and financially rewarding to urban youth. Now they can point their dirty little fingers at the criminals they helped to create, and ask the public for donations to stop the abuse! Even those few surviving "old time" dogfighters that gave up what was once a "gentleman's sport" (attended by veterinarians and even well known public figures) when it was outlawed by the Animal Welfare Act are appalled at the treatment of todays canines. And the AR experts just keep telling the press how to do it and exactly what they should print.

The truth is anything you can get enough people to believe. "Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her father fourty whacks..." (except that she didn't, and was acquitted!) so with the right spin and a lot of money to promote it, an urban legend is easily made.

See propaganda in action:

Friday, July 06, 2007

Constitution for sale... if "The Price is Right"!

Pet owners living in what is not so jokingly being called the Republic of Kalifornistan (and elsewhere) are fighting for their rights under both the State Constution and the "Supreme Law of the Land", the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. With a little help from "Price is Right" celebrity host Bob Barker, animal rights extremists are hoping to eradicate pets in Calfornia and other states.

Television viewers have, for the most part, remained oblivious to Barkers extremist views, and his funding of Animal Rights Law - with MILLION$ of DOLLAR$ in ENDOWMENT$ for the law schools of Harvard, Duke, UCLA, Stanford, Columbia and others..."The idea, he said, is to train a generation of lawyers, judges and legislators in animal rights and the widespread problems of cruelty and neglect."
(see link on Animal Liberation Front Website)

See also Harvard Law School "HLS Hosts National Animal Advocacy Competitions"
"NAAC was partially funded by the Bob Barker Fund for the Study of Animal Rights at Harvard Law School. The Bob Barker Fund will also be supporting the upcoming Future of Animal Law conference, which will be held at Harvard Law School March 30 through April 1."

Barker, a "strict vegetarian" resigned from hosting the Miss USA and Miss Universe Pageants in 1987, because the organizers refused to boycot fur.
"And Barker has influenced the show's prizes over the years, said longtime producer Roger Dobkowitz. "Because he's a vegetarian, we respect his wishes and we don't advertise meat products on the show," he said. At Barker's request, they also stopped giving away fur coats."

Perhaps viewers were lulled by his benign sign off "help control pet overpopulation - have your pet spayed or neutered"? Imagine waking up to reality on June 8th, and find out that the "beloved game show host" forgot to mention the part about making it MANDATORY!!!

If California politicians had kept their promises, statewide mandatory speuter under AB1634 (nicknamed "The Pet Extinction Act") would have been dead in the State Assembly but Barker's last minute appeal to legislators had them flip flopping like a pet goldfish on the rug...

Not surprising, Barkers name was also listed with PeTA and other radical animals rights groups as a supporter of the bill that set the stage for this current debaucle, SB861 - which was signed into law not so long ago by Kalifornistan Dictator...oops, Governator Arnold Schwartenegger (who's step daughter lobbys him on AR issues...)

According to The National Animal Interest Alliance, "Appeasing Animal Rights Activists Won't Save Pets or Taxpayer Dollars " in Kalifornistan, or anywhere else!

For the "family tree of domestic terrorism" in CA that support laws to criminalize pet owners, see:
"Taimie Bryant Professor at UCLA. This is where your tax dollars go to fund the teaching of Domestic Terrorism in our State Funded Colleges like UCLA School of Law. Bryant authored the Hayden Bill which absolutely takes away every Constitutional Right that you had to own Animals in California. The Hayden Bill is responsible for killing more animals than ever before. It gives private corporations the right to seize their competitor's property (animals) and drag the owners through court on fabricated cruelty charges. They get away with this because it also adds an incentive of a million dollars if the raid victim ends up on three years probation and under psychiatric counseling for 3 years. This is a money maker for the private non profits as well as the city and county animal controls. Write to the California Governor and the UCLA Board of Regents and register your complaints, long, loud and clear. Bryant advises ALF members how to skirt the law and commit Domestic Terrorism. "She is also developing projects that combine social science with law with funds from a generous endowment by Bob Barker to UCLA Law School for the purpose of animal rights law teaching and scholarship."

According to:
"Barker is scheduled to be in Sacramento on Monday to help drum up enough support to persuade a wary Senate Local Government Committee to keep the bill alive when it is taken up on Wednesday. "

People for Euthanising Thousands of Animals just can't pat him on the back enough for helping...

Aparently Bob Barker and the speuter nazis can't read because The CA Constitution clearly states in its Declaration of Rights that:
"ARTICLE 1 DECLARATION OF RIGHTS"SECTION 1. All people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy."
FYI folks, a license is a revokeable permission to engage in an activity that would otherwise be illegal. Requiring an "intact permit" would make owning animals as property, in their natural state, illegal, in direct conflict with the guaranteed rights of California citizens. It's a shame that the people must continually remind their elected officials of this FACT.Those of us that ARE literate couldn't help but notice other key RIGHTS guaranteed by the CA Constitution...further reading reveals:
"(4) Nothing in this subdivision supersedes or modifies any provision of this Constitution, including the guarantees that a person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, or denied equal protection of the laws, as providedin Section 7."
"SEC. 13. The right of the people to be secure in their persons,houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable seizures and searches may not be violated; and a warrant may not issue except on probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons and things to be seized." That might even making the seizing body liable for the veterinary expense. Hope there's no complications! Imagine all those judges having to write warrants for fluffy's uterus, and Fido's testicles...because:
"SEC. 19. Private property may be taken or damaged for public use only when just compensation, ascertained by a jury unless waived, has first been paid to, or into court for, the owner. The Legislature may provide for possession by the condemnor following commencement of eminent domain proceedings upon deposit in court and prompt release to the owner of money determined by the court to be the probable amount of just compensation." I know I won't waive my right to a jury trial. The court system will collapse under this burden.
Even better:
"SEC. 20. Noncitizens have the same property rights as citizens." So illegal aliens could sue too!

My Constitutional rights are not for sale at any price, Bob...You can take your political endorsements, foundations, charitable donations, and your tired old worn out rhetoric and stuff them in the same orifice you have crammed your head up in to.
To quote the movie Happy Gilmore in which Barker made a guest appearance,

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Arson-Around with Auntie ALF

Animal Liberation Front (ALF) recipy for domestic terrorism - or

"Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah(mite), someone's in the kitchen I Know..."

May 24th, 2007

Thomas Barnes, a former deputy district attorney in El Paso County, Colorado promised Denver District Judge William Robbins that his son, suspected eco terrorist Grant Barnes would be a good boy and appear in court in exchange for a drastic reduction in bail. Authorities accuse the 24 year old Barnes of attempting to set off firebombs under seven sport utility vehicles over four days in March, causing extensive fire damage to two of them. Despite objections by Prosecutor Ryan Younggren, Judge Robbins agreed to reduce bail from $200,000 to $100,000 because no one had been injured in the fire bombings (how fortunate!). According to the Rocky Mountain News:,1299,DRMN_15_5553671,00.html

And the Denver Post:

police found a box of seven more devices in the back of Barnes car which are replicas of bombs portrayed on the web site of terrorist organization Earth Liberation Front, with explosive ingredients and directions titled "Arson-Around with Auntie ALF"

According to the search warrant affidavit, when he was pulled over, Barnes was "extremely nervous and sweating profusely," and investigators are now searching Barnes’ computer for information that would show "he acted in collaboration with members of an arson/terrorist organization. " In the latest affidavit, Denver Fire investigator Leif Skulborstad said that ELF and ALF are interrelated organizations and "both ... use arson and incendiary devices as a terrorist tactic." The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is assisting in the investigation.

Barnes arraignment has been postponed until July to give his lawyer Phil Cherner time to assess whether to file an insanity plea. (Quelle surprise!)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

H$U$, "Inhumane Wayne"

Steven Best with HSUS president Wayne Pacelle (Best is the co-editor of Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? Reflections on the Liberation of Animals, which sings the sings the praises of “direct action” violence and the Animal Liberation Front)

Oooh, oooh! The Animal Liberation Front calls him a saint! (ALF - Those fun folks who like to blow things up...)

Want to make the connection between Wayne Pacelle And domestic terrorism a little more clear? Just put "Wayne Pacelle and Steven Best" into you search engine and see what happens...

When asked if he envisioned a future without pets: "If I had my personal view, perhaps that might take hold. In fact, I don't want to see another dog or cat born." Wayne Pacelle quoted in Bloodties: Nature, Culture and the Hunt by Ted Kerasote, 1993, p. 266.

"I don't have a hands-on fondness for animals...To this day I don't feel bonded to any non-human animal. I like them and I pet them and I'm kind to them, but there's no special bond between me and other animals." quoted in Bloodties: Nature, Culture and the Hunt by Ted Kerasote, 1993, p. 251.

OK folks, just in case some of you still think that Wayne and his cohorts at the Humane Society of the United States are a warm fuzzy bunch of animal lovers and that it's just a coincidence that the leaders are vegan fascists, then take a cue from our own leaders. Wayne was outed by virtually everyone at this weeks US Agriculture sub committe hearing. All that smoke and mirrors from their new public relation firm (the same one that represents ethnic media icons including Judge Joe Brown...) is becoming transparent. Caught in a web of his own lies, Pacelle was spanked hard and sent to bed without his tofu.
" Pacelle suggested his group could simply go around the House Ag Committee to advance its agenda if necessary"

Since this continuing credibily issue might make it difficult for H$U$, PeTA, Best Friends and their brothers in arms to pass extremist backed legislation at the federal level, the radicals have published a new "how to manual" for eroding our freedoms at the lower levers of government. This H$U$ funded book reaffirms the loveless, meatless, petless apcalyptic goals outlined in the updated H$U$ official policy statement (approved October22, 2005). Clearly stated in this manuals introduction:

"Imagine winning local ordinances that: require shelters that provide true comfort for animals of all domesticated species when kept outdoors and regulate the time and conditions in which they may be outdoors; restrict or ban dog tethering or penning; restrict or ban breeding, while providing public funds for spaying and neutering; require truly humane animal control policies and sheltering, including policies that focus strongly on cats’ needs; ban pet stores from selling animals, the use of animals in circuses, rodeos, dog and horse racing, and the hunting and trapping of wildlife; ban the sale and production of veal and foie gras and other atrocities of factory farming; and restrict laboratory testing on animals, moving toward its elimination. Imagine achieving these changes in your locality. In nearly all parts of the United States, town, city, and county lawmakers can legislate directly on all these issues (it’s true!) In other communities (in states that restrict local governments from banning recreational killing, for example), lawmakers can achieve the same results through highly restrictive regulations and other ordinances. Lawmakers will do all this, if you embrace and act on the lessons this MANUAL provides. "

Wow! If we end commercial farming, AND hunting, you can kiss your burger goodbye. Regulate "the time and conditions" when "all domestic species" can be outdoors? Ban pet stores from selling goldfish? Eliminating all biomedical research with animals even though it has resulted in vaccines, treatment, and cures for diseases that cause grievous human suffering.

Repeat after me:
Any questions?

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

H$U$: "We have no ethical obligation..."

H$U$ story and fact links:
Humane Society of the United States?

What’s so Humane about this?

"We have no ethical obligation to preserve the different breeds of livestock produced through selective breeding. One generation and out. We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals. They are the creations of human selective breeding." Wayne Pacelle, quoted in Animal People, May, 1993. Goodwin doesn’t represent HSUS’s only intersection with the animal rights movement’s violent underbelly. Miyun Park, a Washington, DC anti-meat activist hired by HSUS in 2005, was acknowledged in 1999 as a financial benefactor of No Compromise magazine, a publication that supports the ALF and promotes arson and other violent tactics. And in the investigation leading to the 2005 animal-enterprise terrorism trial of six SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty) activists, Park was among those named in at least six federal wiretap warrants.

And Ariana Huemer, an HSUS government-affairs employee, may figure in the case of fugitive animal-rights bomber Daniel Andreas San Diego. An FBI evidence recovery log from the search of San Diego’s car describes a check Huemer wrote to him. San Diego, currently on the FBI’s “Most Wanted” list, is presumed responsible for 10-pound shrapnel bombs detonated in 2003 at two California biomedical research companies. One of these bombs was accompanied by a “secondary” device, timed to detonate after paramedics and firefighters arrived on the scene. “
Humane Society of the United States senior vice president Heidi Prescott also serves as an advisory board member of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a group that practices high-seas piracy in “defense” of whales, fish, and other sea creatures.

The Taking Action for Animals conference will include dozens of leading figures from the animal movement and speakers from other social justice movements sharing their knowledge and experience to help you take your activism to the next level. In a line up filled with criminals and radicals, confirmed HSUS speakers include: Wayne Pacelle, Andi Bernat, Katie Conlee, Carter Dillard, Jennifer Fearing, John Goodwin, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. John Hadidian, Johnathan Loworn, Michael Markarian, Miyun Park, Nancy Perry, Peter Petersan, Alyson Powers, Heidi Prescott, Dr. Bob Roop, Stephanie Shain,

Breed Bans Hit Court Opposition; Anti-tethering Laws Gain Favor
“Breed-specific legislation, long opposed by the American Kennel Club, the American SPCA, and the Humane Society of the U.S., is no longer actively opposed by HSUS, and has won support around the U.S. and Canada.” Animal People magazine April 2006 (The watchdog publication for the extreme animal rights movement.)

John “J.P.” Goodwin (The mouthpiece of HSUS’s 20 million dollar anti pit bull and anti hunting “animal fighting” campaign), By 1998, at just 25 years old, Goodwin was describing himself as a "former member of ALF". His busy schedule was filled with interviews, arrests, ALF p.r., addressing kids at conferences, protests, a presence in several countries and, in the summer of 1999, the filing of a lawsuit against his pet project - CAFT (Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade) under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act by a Philadelphia furrier tired of incessant protests and attacks on his property and staff.

John Paul “J.P.” Goodwin represents another disturbing tie between HSUS and the violent animal rights underground. In 1997, when Goodwin was the national director of the Coalition To Abolish the Fur Trade, he wrote in No Compromise that he and his group “support these [ALF] actions 100%. We will never, ever, ever work with anyone who helps the FBI stop the ALF ... this is one of the best things to happen in a long time.” [7] In March 1997, following the $1 million ALF arson of a fur farmers’ feed co-op in Utah, Goodwin told reporters: “We’re ecstatic.”
and ". “We have no problem with inanimate objects being destroyed so animate objects can survive."
David Martosko testimony to Congress on domestic terrorism

"Also alarming are the relationships these domestic terrorist groups have with tax-exempt organizations like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the Humane Society of the United States, and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine."

“However, animal rights activists at state and national levels are attempting to force regulation of breeders through legislatures and the initiative process. They are backed by organizations such as the Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights, Doris Day Animal League, Humane Society of the US, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and others that denigrate purebred dogs as genetic nightmares and vilify breeders as vain and greedy animal exploiters.” Dog and cat breeds are in peril in Europe 1999

Hijacking of the humane movement, “They usually get their ducks in a row, contacting politicians and persuading them that the votes lie with a "compassionate" stance against the killing of healthy animals; planting articles and letters to the editor in local papers decrying the euthanasia of dogs and cats in the local shelter; collecting donations for a print-media advertising campaign; blaming "profit-making" breeders for a "surplus" population of pets; and even euthanizing a dog or two for the television cameras to drive their point across.”

“Numerous former PeTA employees have worked at the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), including Richard Swain, vice president of investigations; Jonathan Balcombe, Cristobel Block, and Virginia Bollinger, investigations section; Howard Edelstein, computer programmer; Leslie Gerstenfeld and Kimberly Roberts, international affairs section; and Leslie Ison and Rachel Lamb, “companion animals” section. PeTA “Humane Education Lecturer” Gary Yourofsky, a convicted Animal Liberation Front felon, spoke at HSUS’s 2002 CompassionFest for children. HSUS and PeTA joined eight other animal groups to demand that the U.S. Department of Agriculture restore to its website documents concerning the use of animals in research. HSUS and PeTA are both active members of the International Council on Animal Protection, which seeks to limit research on animals. And in 2003, HSUS Vice President Martin Stephens was asked to recommend three people to serve on an EPA “pollution prevention and toxics” panel. Two out of his three choices were PeTA employees. HSUS and PeTA are co-sponsors of the 2005 “Taking Action For Animals” conference in Washington, DC.”

HSUS "fact sheet" distorts animal control issues and answers

Animal Rightists: Coming to a Town Near You, “While ALF and ELF blow up buildings, their PeTA counterparts are busy screaming for attention. HSUS then comes in to consult under the guise of legitimacy. Their websites and promotional materials are phenomenally well-crafted. Their resources are unlimited. In fact, it is likely that your municipality is already using their materials to guide policy and craft new ordinances.”

HSUS/Fund for Animals Merger Apparently A Done Deal

“They (HSUS) are secretly funneling lobbying money into the state -blatantly circumventing our laws.”
It is interesting that HSUS feels comfortable with the sort of extreme animal rights sentiment espoused by Ark Trust. This is consistent, though, with HSUS' ongoing habit of sending one message to the public and another message to the animal rights community.

HSUS Honors Ex-Klansman

Former Employee Makes Allegations Against Human Society of the United States

Do Animal Rights Activists Care More About Animals Than Human Beings?

Animal rightists are pushing their agenda in small increments under the guise of animal welfare and with mistruths, but the public is not aware of the slippery path ahead. Just as happens in many of the other areas we touch, we have accomplished a lot for a little. As an example, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has a $17 million budget with a staff of 200. The Humane Society of the United States has a $70 million budget, 300 staff members, and no animal shelters to support. Other animal rights organizations have a combined income of over $14.5 million. How about the AVMA? As you know, our $24 million budget is divided into many areas. Currently we devote around $200,000 and one FTE (full time employee) to animal welfare activities! Truly, a mouse that roars. - Bonnie V. Beaver, BS, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVB, AVMA President-elect (Address to the AVMA House of Delegates, July 23, 2004)

Saturday, February 03, 2007

People for the ethical Treatment of animals?

PeTA story and fact links: People for the ethical Treatment of animals?
Who are they kidding?

"I'd go to work early, before anyone got there, and I would just kill the animals myself...I must have killed a thousand of them, sometimes dozens every day." Ingrid Newkirk Penn & Teller Bullshit, A MUST SEE!
“You may believe that animals should be killed, that black people should be enslaved, or that women should be beaten, but you don’t have the right to put those beliefs into practice.”
Still, Ingrid Newkirk, president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, said the policy might prevent people from acquiring more dogs than they can care for. "China may be barking up the right tree," she said. "It's sad that it comes to this, but for the dog's sake, restricting people to one dog stops impulse acquisition, encourages better care and will reduce the numbers who are suffering on the streets." Daphna Nachminovitch, director of animal issues and abuse for PeTA, toured the new county pound in February and seemed satisfied that it was a tremendous improvement over the previous facility in how the animals were housed and treated. But in the letter to the Health Department, Nachminovitch made several recommendations for continued improvements, the details of which can be found in staff writer Tim Wilkins' Page 1A story today. We won't dismiss all of Nachminovitch's recommendations. The one we like the most is a ban on adoptions of animals - particularly pit bulls – that are obviously on their way to a dog fight.
Controlling an animal as deadly as a weapon Ingrid Newkirk Wednesday, June 8, 2005 ”Most people have no idea that at many animal shelters across the country, any pit bull that comes through the front door doesn't go out the back door alive. From California to New York, many shelters have enacted policies requiring the automatic destruction of the huge and ever-growing number of "pits" they encounter. This news shocks and outrages the compassionate dog-lover. Here's another shocker: People for the ethical Treatment of Animals, the very organization that is trying to get you to denounce the killing of chickens for the table, foxes for fur or frogs for dissection, supports the shelters' pit-bull policy, albeit with reluctance. We further encourage a ban on breeding pit bulls. “ ”We must prohibit the breeding of fighting dogs, for their own protection as well as ours, and spay or neuter existing dogs. And given the appalling number of homeless dogs destroyed every day in shelters across the country, there should be a moratorium on all dog breeding. There are many wonderful dogs, mixed and purebred, large and small, in need of good homes who have never curled a lip at anybody. They die, while breeders of fighting dogs continue to breed tragedy.”
PeTA letter to Alabama judge requesting euthanasia of pit bulls in order to end dog fighting.
“Ingrid served as a deputy sheriff; as a Maryland state law enforcement officer with the highest success rate in convicting animal abusers; director of cruelty investigations for the second oldest humane society in the U.S.; and Chief of Animal Disease Control for the Commission on Public Health in the District of Columbia.
During her work as a humane officer, Ingrid discovered the enormous amount of animal abuse taking place behind closed doors in laboratories, on factory farms, etc. She met *Alex Pacheco when he volunteered at the shelter she worked at, and he gave her a copy of *Peter Singer’s book Animal Liberation. It inspired her to found PeTA in 1980 with the goals of investigating, publicizing and ending animal cruelty. “
*Alex Pacheco (now head of an animal rights fundraising company) is another activist who started his career with Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, in the late 1970s. He now serves on one of its advisory boards. Pacheco is co-founder and former chairman of People for the ethical Treatment of Animals, an organization whose leaders openly advocate terrorist violence. “Arson, property destruction, burglary, and theft are ‘acceptable crimes’ when used for the animal cause,” he once said. Pacheco is rumored to be a “commander” of ALF and has been subpoenaed in connection to Animal Liberation Front activities.
* "The potential violence of the orangutan's come-on may have been disturbing, but the fact that it was an orangutan making the advances was not. That may be because [Birute] Galdikas understands very well that we are animals, indeed more specifically, we are great apes. This does not make sex across the species barrier normal, or natural, whatever those much-misused words may mean, but it does imply that it ceases to be an offence to our status and dignity as human beings." – Peter Singer, author of Animal Liberation)
Ingrid Newkirk on bestiality: If a girl gets sexual pleasure from riding a horse, does the horse suffer? If not, who cares? If you French kiss your dog and he or she thinks it's great, is it wrong? We believe all exploitation and abuse is wrong. If it isn't exploitation and abuse, it may not be wrong.
Ingrid Newkirk – taking on the critics
We have an abolitionist approach, but I always say that while our heads are in the clouds and we fight for total liberation, our feet are firmly planted on the ground. For example, I don't think people should ride horses (which has been too radical for even an animal rights feminist publication to print in the U.S., believe it or not), but if I see someone beating a horse I'm going to try and stop them even if I can't take their horse away from them. I must say, the press doesn't share this idea that we are namby pamby: They know that if there's a rat or cockroach involved, PeTA is the group here that will stick up for that poor blighted animal publicly (we are currently defending sharks due to the hysteria over the recent attacks!) and we will always stick up for the A.L.F., so they call us and we do.
In Coronado's official "sentencing memorandum," U.S. Attorney Michael Dettmer wrote that PETA president and co-founder Ingrid Newkirk arranged ahead of time to have Coronado send her a pair of FedEx packages from Michigan -- one on the day before he burned the lab down, and the other shortly afterward. "Significantly," wrote Dettmer, "Newkirk had arranged to have the package[s] delivered to her days before the MSU arson occurred."
On documents that PETA files with the IRS, the group listed less than $8,000 in gifts to humane societies and SPCAs during 2001. In that same year, they gave $5,000 to Animal Liberation Front's militant Josh Harper and $1,500 to the Earth Liberation Front.
Ingrid’s will, and yes folks, she’s dead serious!
“PeTA was formed as a cover for the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and PeTA and ALF were one and the same.” FBI documents – read 10 highlighted pages.
“1987, Toronto’s Sunday Star wrote: (Cleveland) “Armory readily acknowledges his and PeTA’s support for illegal ‘direct action’ campaigns to protect animals. ‘We both support and serve as spokespersons for the Animal Liberation Front,’ Armory says candidly.”
Surprise – Someone at PeTA is lying about that ELF donation
In her afterword to Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? Reflections on the Liberation of Animals, Ingrid Newkirk writes, “If a concentration camp or laboratory is burned, that is violence, but if it is left standing is that not more and worse violence?…Isn’t the chicken house today’s concentration camp?…Will we condemn its destruction or condemn its existence? Which is the more violent wish?”
Steven Best co-editor of Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? With ALF arsonist Rodney Coronado, ALF burgler and PeTA on-scool lecturer Gary Yourofsky, and with Terrorists co-author, PeTA president Ingrid Newkirk
"I openly hope that it [hoof-and-mouth disease] comes here. It will bring economic harm only for those who profit from giving people heart attacks and giving animals a concentration camp-like existence. It would be good for animals, good for human health and good for the environment.” Ingrid Newkirk, ABC News interview April 2, 2001
“no form of breeding can be considered responsible”
And the sources referenced therein: Chuck Haga, “Every Dog Has Its Day,” Minneapolis Star Tribune Sep. 1999 can be accessed at: “Action to wipe out pit bull dogs,” Evening Standard (London)
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals' Bruce Friedrich posted a bizarre appeal on behalf of convicted arsonist and animal rights activist Frank Allen.
“It seems that PeTA was involved in the multi-million-dollar arson at Michigan State University”
PETA’s spokesperson bails out a suspected arsonist she claims she didn’t even know and yet IDA’s (In Defense of Animals) Roy and Kleiman insist Americans for Medical Progress and others unfairly portray the animal rights movement as full of extremists!
Peta’s $45,200 “grant” to Rodney Coronado – actual tax return
PeTA’s funding of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
PCRM and SHAC alliance
PeTA gives $ to convicted criminal
PeTA gives to ELF
PeTA gives to ALF spokesman
PeTA fact sheet endorsement of ALF
Steven Best and Bruce Friedrich, PeTA vegetarian campaign director and violence advocate
PeTA leader Bruce Friedrich's twisted dream that "it would be great" if restaurants, laboratories and banks "exploded tomorrow."
PeTA sacrifices ideology for big bucks
PeTA has killed over 14,000 animals since 1998.
“The six murdered hunters were not only victims, but also perpetrators…”
PeTA, the organization which claims to have about 350,000 members, instead, has only three members! According to PeTA’s certificate of incorporation in Delaware, these members are Alex, Ingrid, and Sue…
(Just in case you couldn’t get enough…)
Pamela Anderson, Ewan McGregor, Martin Sheen, Ellen Degeneres, Chrissie Hynde, Howard Jones, Indigo Girls, Michael Stipe, Belinda Carlisle, Good Charlotte, Fallout Boy, My Chemical Romance, Eisley, The B-52s, Lamb of God, La Tigre, The Polyphonic Spree,k.d. lang, Morrisey, Sir Paul McCartney and both of his wives, Simon Cowell, Charlize Theron, Christy Turlington, Kim Basinger, Martha Stewart. Nine Inch Nails lead singer Trent Reznor, Alec Baldwin, Alicia Silverstone, designer Stella McCartney, Bea Arthur, Juliette Lewis, Amy Sedaris, David Gallagher, Jorja Fox, Sage Francis, Jay Hernandez, Persia White, Andy Dick, Constance Marie, Elvira,