Thursday, July 19, 2007

The latest "Vick-tim" of the AR cash cow

Convicted criminal, Animal Liberation Front terrorist, and H$U$ mouthpeice John "J.P." Goodwin and his boss Wayne Pacelle are wasting no time in exploiting the media circus surrounding the wild allegations levied against Atlanta Falcon's quarterback Michael Vick in a federal indictment filed on July 18th.

The ASPCA, those promoters of ending ownership rights are engaged in meetings with the NFL.

PeTA is picketing outside the meetings.

Even moderate and respectable welfare groups like the National Animal Interest Alliance and AKC breed clubs such as the Doberman Pinscher Club of America are issuing press releases supporting the throw the book at Vick movement.

Shockingly, no one is asking about the status, welfare or eventual disposition of the 58 innocent dogs seized from the property! SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!! I guess that the press photos circulating after the seizure which showed them to be in overall good condition must have lulled all the "welfare" advocates into complacency.

The only mention of the dogs was in a possibly fraudulent fundraising plea from H$U$, which has subsequently been taken down. In it, H$U$ claimed to be personally caring for Vicks dogs but we know the H$U$ doesn't really do that sort of thing. The updated solicitation has a tiny disclaimer they hope nobody will read which now says your donation may be used for other HSUS programs and may not be used to help the dog fight victims...

The biggest problem here is that Michael Vick and his associates WERE NOT INDICTED FOR DOGFIGHTING!!! Yes folks, that's right...they were actually indicted on CONSPIRACY.

Ok, this is important so let me repeat; THEY WERE NOT INDICTED FOR DOGFIGHTING!!! If they had had any evidence that Vick was personally engaged in dogfighting it would have been a state felony, but he was not charged at the local level. This is basically a high profile test case for the new federal law. And President Bush just loves to sign conspiracy laws that push the envelope.

Aside from the fact that the feds could endict a grilled cheese sandwich if they so chose, and that the feds were responsible for such fiascos as Waco, Ruby Ridge etc. , let's take an honest look at the 18 page indictment.

The indictment can be split into two sections: allegations made by 4 "cooperating witness" receiving possible immunity from prosecution on drug charges, and evidence. "CW"s allegations include in every instance: places unknown, persons unknown, dates unknown, etc. Apparently they did know names of some dogs though...

This alleged evidence is as follows:
Bought property
named a kennel
put kennel name on shirts and headbands
purchased dogs
owned dogs (some with scars that may or may not have occurred while in the custody of Bad News Kennels)
built a fence
owned a shed
sunk axels with chains to properly secure the dogs
had on site caretaker
had exercise equipment and a breaking stick (used to STOP dogs from fighting)

The indictment also alleges that at an unknown time during 21 days (?) prior to the seizure, 8 dogs were "executed" on the property but makes no mention whatsoever about recovering any bodies from the property. Also, "wetting down" the dog (as alleged) is NOT how animals are electrocuted (ask a furrier) and would pose substantial risk to any idiot stupid enough to try it. And why, in 2007 would anyone resort to such varied, gruesome and outrageous means (as alleged) when the same indictment alleges that a pistol was used on previous occasions as far back as 2002 ?(and NOT by Mike Vick, I should add)

Also, dogfighting activities DID NOT go back to 2001 as has been stated by sources too numerous to mention, the feds just chose the purchase date of the property as an alleged starting point.

This indictment raises more questions than it answers for any thinking person. If Vick is convicted on "conspiracy", based on this "evidence" alone, than every legitimate breeder of American Pit Bull Terriers will likely be raided by HSUS/ASPCA in the months and years to follow. The ARs are just salivating at the thought. PeTa is probably loading extra srynges of euthanol at this very moment. After all, they all supported the Federal law in question because actual state felony laws were not imprisoning enough bona fide dogfighters to warrant their constant and unrelenting pleas for more donations.

Whether or not Vick had knowledge of, or involvement in what his relative was engaged in (drugs) or allegedly engaged in after the drug raid (dog fighting) is for a jury to decide. Unfortunately, because of the spin by H$U$ and their cohorts, and the regurgitation of inaccuracies surrounding the case, it is unlikely that he will get a fair trail. Now I certainly do not condone the allegations made against Mr. Vick by the fed's "cooperating witness" quartet, and if found guilty by a jury of his peers (if they can find any living under a rock somewhere that do not read or watch the news...) beyond a reasonable doubt,then he should be suspended, have his endorsements cancelled, and serve his sentence. Until such time, I prefer to focus on maligning CONVICTED criminals like H$U$ frontman John Goodwin and his ALF buddies.

If there is any dogfighting conspiracy here, my money is on H$U$. A while back they realized that the once dying sport of dogfighting could be a huge cash cow so H$U$ virtually revived it singlehandedly! Using carefully crafted rhetoric, and propaganda videos such as "Off the Chain", the H$U$ has all but written a thugs guide to American Pit Bull Terrier abuse, and marketed it as hip and financially rewarding to urban youth. Now they can point their dirty little fingers at the criminals they helped to create, and ask the public for donations to stop the abuse! Even those few surviving "old time" dogfighters that gave up what was once a "gentleman's sport" (attended by veterinarians and even well known public figures) when it was outlawed by the Animal Welfare Act are appalled at the treatment of todays canines. And the AR experts just keep telling the press how to do it and exactly what they should print.

The truth is anything you can get enough people to believe. "Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her father fourty whacks..." (except that she didn't, and was acquitted!) so with the right spin and a lot of money to promote it, an urban legend is easily made.

See propaganda in action:

Friday, July 06, 2007

Constitution for sale... if "The Price is Right"!

Pet owners living in what is not so jokingly being called the Republic of Kalifornistan (and elsewhere) are fighting for their rights under both the State Constution and the "Supreme Law of the Land", the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. With a little help from "Price is Right" celebrity host Bob Barker, animal rights extremists are hoping to eradicate pets in Calfornia and other states.

Television viewers have, for the most part, remained oblivious to Barkers extremist views, and his funding of Animal Rights Law - with MILLION$ of DOLLAR$ in ENDOWMENT$ for the law schools of Harvard, Duke, UCLA, Stanford, Columbia and others..."The idea, he said, is to train a generation of lawyers, judges and legislators in animal rights and the widespread problems of cruelty and neglect."
(see link on Animal Liberation Front Website)

See also Harvard Law School "HLS Hosts National Animal Advocacy Competitions"
"NAAC was partially funded by the Bob Barker Fund for the Study of Animal Rights at Harvard Law School. The Bob Barker Fund will also be supporting the upcoming Future of Animal Law conference, which will be held at Harvard Law School March 30 through April 1."

Barker, a "strict vegetarian" resigned from hosting the Miss USA and Miss Universe Pageants in 1987, because the organizers refused to boycot fur.
"And Barker has influenced the show's prizes over the years, said longtime producer Roger Dobkowitz. "Because he's a vegetarian, we respect his wishes and we don't advertise meat products on the show," he said. At Barker's request, they also stopped giving away fur coats."

Perhaps viewers were lulled by his benign sign off "help control pet overpopulation - have your pet spayed or neutered"? Imagine waking up to reality on June 8th, and find out that the "beloved game show host" forgot to mention the part about making it MANDATORY!!!

If California politicians had kept their promises, statewide mandatory speuter under AB1634 (nicknamed "The Pet Extinction Act") would have been dead in the State Assembly but Barker's last minute appeal to legislators had them flip flopping like a pet goldfish on the rug...

Not surprising, Barkers name was also listed with PeTA and other radical animals rights groups as a supporter of the bill that set the stage for this current debaucle, SB861 - which was signed into law not so long ago by Kalifornistan Dictator...oops, Governator Arnold Schwartenegger (who's step daughter lobbys him on AR issues...)

According to The National Animal Interest Alliance, "Appeasing Animal Rights Activists Won't Save Pets or Taxpayer Dollars " in Kalifornistan, or anywhere else!

For the "family tree of domestic terrorism" in CA that support laws to criminalize pet owners, see:
"Taimie Bryant Professor at UCLA. This is where your tax dollars go to fund the teaching of Domestic Terrorism in our State Funded Colleges like UCLA School of Law. Bryant authored the Hayden Bill which absolutely takes away every Constitutional Right that you had to own Animals in California. The Hayden Bill is responsible for killing more animals than ever before. It gives private corporations the right to seize their competitor's property (animals) and drag the owners through court on fabricated cruelty charges. They get away with this because it also adds an incentive of a million dollars if the raid victim ends up on three years probation and under psychiatric counseling for 3 years. This is a money maker for the private non profits as well as the city and county animal controls. Write to the California Governor and the UCLA Board of Regents and register your complaints, long, loud and clear. Bryant advises ALF members how to skirt the law and commit Domestic Terrorism. "She is also developing projects that combine social science with law with funds from a generous endowment by Bob Barker to UCLA Law School for the purpose of animal rights law teaching and scholarship."

According to:
"Barker is scheduled to be in Sacramento on Monday to help drum up enough support to persuade a wary Senate Local Government Committee to keep the bill alive when it is taken up on Wednesday. "

People for Euthanising Thousands of Animals just can't pat him on the back enough for helping...

Aparently Bob Barker and the speuter nazis can't read because The CA Constitution clearly states in its Declaration of Rights that:
"ARTICLE 1 DECLARATION OF RIGHTS"SECTION 1. All people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy."
FYI folks, a license is a revokeable permission to engage in an activity that would otherwise be illegal. Requiring an "intact permit" would make owning animals as property, in their natural state, illegal, in direct conflict with the guaranteed rights of California citizens. It's a shame that the people must continually remind their elected officials of this FACT.Those of us that ARE literate couldn't help but notice other key RIGHTS guaranteed by the CA Constitution...further reading reveals:
"(4) Nothing in this subdivision supersedes or modifies any provision of this Constitution, including the guarantees that a person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, or denied equal protection of the laws, as providedin Section 7."
"SEC. 13. The right of the people to be secure in their persons,houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable seizures and searches may not be violated; and a warrant may not issue except on probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons and things to be seized." That might even making the seizing body liable for the veterinary expense. Hope there's no complications! Imagine all those judges having to write warrants for fluffy's uterus, and Fido's testicles...because:
"SEC. 19. Private property may be taken or damaged for public use only when just compensation, ascertained by a jury unless waived, has first been paid to, or into court for, the owner. The Legislature may provide for possession by the condemnor following commencement of eminent domain proceedings upon deposit in court and prompt release to the owner of money determined by the court to be the probable amount of just compensation." I know I won't waive my right to a jury trial. The court system will collapse under this burden.
Even better:
"SEC. 20. Noncitizens have the same property rights as citizens." So illegal aliens could sue too!

My Constitutional rights are not for sale at any price, Bob...You can take your political endorsements, foundations, charitable donations, and your tired old worn out rhetoric and stuff them in the same orifice you have crammed your head up in to.
To quote the movie Happy Gilmore in which Barker made a guest appearance,